Side Chain Logo


Side Chain is more than just a rock band. We are a group of friends who share a passion for music and a desire to make a difference. Our music is a reflection of our personalities and our life experiences, and we hope that it will inspire our fans to see the world in a new light.

Fall On Me (Piano Version)

Piano version of Side Chain's Fall On Me from the Alchemy album.


Equipoise Delirium

The latest single from Side Chain.

A song about loss and grief and the struggles within.

Check it out now!


Guitar Production

Dustin and Stephen producing some guitar tracks.  Plus a sneak peek at a new song!



Latest News:

After wrapping up Equipoise Delirium, we've already started on two more songs.  They are currently in production now!  Keep an eye out on our channels for updates!

Artwork created by Heather Shatzer

Photography by Manda Pennington and Sydney Halcumb